Mark Thompson is to make known the formula of a vital review. Photograph: Graeme Robertson
Greg Dyke, the BBC"s former executive general, has pronounced his inheritor is overpaid and out of hold with his staff, on the eve of Mark Thompson phenomenon plans for cuts to the corporation"s services.
Dyke, who is heading the Conservative party"s examination in to the beautiful industries, pronounced the BBC"s programming was "in flattering good shape" but the approach government was you do the reshaping of the house had unsuccessful staff.
"On air, it"s in flattering good figure but it"s a bit short of friends," pronounced Dyke. "It didn"t conduct [Jonathan] Ross and [Russell] Brand really well. It doesn"t have to compensate the executive ubiquitous £800,000.
"It is a good job, and Mark [Thompson] earns some-more than twice what I warranted when I was you do it. The staff are whingeing. Mark is you do a little good things, but he is not receiving them with him."
Thompson will make known the formula of a vital review, called Putting Quality First, today. According to leaks, he will introduce shutting BBC 6 Music and the Asian Network, slicing spending on sports rights and unfamiliar programming and halving the distance of corporation"s internet operation.
"The due changes we are announcing currently are not a square of governing body ... it is additionally not a plans for a small BBC, or a BBC that is in shelter from digital," Thompson says in the Guardian. "The BBC should not try to do everything. It contingency attend to bona fide concerns from blurb media players some-more delicately than it has in the past, and action earlier to encounter them. It needs the certainty and distinctness to stop as well as to begin you do things."
The proposals, a breeze of that were leaked last week, have hurt listeners and presenters with some-more than 2,500 people angry to the house about plans to close the digital air wave stations. BBC 6 Music has turn something of a means celebre with some-more than 70,000 people signing up to a Facebook criticism page and #savebbc6music one of the majority renouned messages on Twitter.
The debate perceived a progress currently when Ed Vaizey, shade enlightenment cabinet member for humanities and broadcasting, who last week
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